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15 employees’ expectations examples: what they want might not be what you think


August 16, 2022


December 14, 2024

Employee experience


Leadership and hybrid work



We often speak of company requirements such as respecting a proper dress code or being on time, but what about examples of employees’ expectations? In a rapidly evolving work environment where being people-centric matters more than ever, knowing and trying to meet your staff’s expectations is no longer an option.

Focusing on what your staff wants enables you to reinforce job satisfaction, boost engagement, increase performance, and lower turnover. The correlation between your workforce’s experience and your business success is real. This isn’t something that can be overlooked. So, setting the bar as high as possible should be one of your top priorities. 

From flexibility to communication and recognition, here are 15 major employee expectations to fulfill to reach your goals.

What are employee expectations, and why is taking them into account necessary?

Just as you set requirements regarding your staff’s behaviors at work, employees also have clear and specific expectations for you. They typically expect fair compensation, job security, opportunities for growth, and a supportive work environment. They value recognition, a healthy work-life balance, and transparent communication from management.

Conversely, businesses often focus on productivity, performance, profitability, and achieving strategic goals. They might prioritize efficiency, innovation, and maintaining a competitive edge in the market. While organizations seek committed and skilled collaborators who contribute to the company’s success, employees desire a workplace that meets their personal and professional needs. Bridging the gap between these expectations is essential for fostering a harmonious and productive workplace.

🎥 Discover with deskbird in this two-minute video how to manage your hybrid workplace successfully and boost your employee experience!

What are the most common employees’ expectations examples in today’s work environment? 

1. Flexibility: hybrid and flex schedules set the tone for a better work-life balance

If you should remember only one employee expectation example out of this list, this is maybe the one. Over the last few years, workers have had the opportunity to discover the benefits of flexibility and a better work-life balance. The rise of hybrid work and flexitime emerges as a key answer to spreading time more equally among work, hobbies, family, friends, and other activities. Even though many people enjoy going to the office, they also value working from home. Therefore, flexibility, initially a solution to combat the pandemic, has become a norm expected from employees who are not willing to give up.

Coordinated hybrid work is an ideal solution for increasing employee retention and productivity. Want to learn more? Download the results of our latest research!

2. Digitalization and workplace technology: a top employee expectations example

Modern tech helps us in every aspect of our lives (automated home cleaning devices, GPS, smartphones, etc.), and it is normal for people to want to find the same level of digitalization within their work environment. They expect workplace technology to be used as an ally to be more efficient and focus on meaningful tasks. Many digital solutions, from desk booking software to hybrid scheduling and automation tools, can boost engagement, productivity, and performance. Also, if your team members are entitled to work from home, giving them a WFH allowance to get necessary equipment is a clear sign of support, modernity, and employee-centricity.

🧑‍💻 Learn more about the importance of business technology!

3. Digital employee experience: your staff’s expectations go beyond the workplace

Who has never gotten stressed or frustrated when a workplace tool is not functioning correctly? Repetitive bad experience with technology can significantly impact your employees’ knowledge, or better say, digital employee experience (DEX). For most companies and workers, technology is now unavoidable. But your staff expect to be able to do their jobs without being limited by tech issues. Your IT team has a massive role to play here. Ensure every team member receives full training about using your online tools and can get help quickly if a problem occurs.

happy employees working together
Happy employees in positive work culture

4. Autonomy and employee empowerment: the best way to make your staff thrive

Let’s get straight to the point: micromanaging your employees is a big mistake and a motivation killer. Trusting your team members and giving them opportunities to fail are the best ways to stimulate them. As mentioned above, failure is part of success. Controlling and constantly checking what your team is doing can negatively impact their work. Remote workers are even more likely to face this type of management. Leaders must trust their coworkers as they would when on-site, even though they don’t see them working.

5. Communication: the impact of smooth, effective, and inclusive conversations

Poor communication decreases the level of productivity of a team, but, more critically, it creates frustration and tension. What’s more irritating than redoing a task or losing time because of miscommunication? With all the communication tools available today, employees expect to be able to interact with their manager and their peers successfully. One of the main goals is to provide the same level of communication to all team members, whether they are operating from the office or remotely. Clear and transparent exchange ensures efficiency and performance while avoiding isolation and frustration.

👉 Also read: remote work communication best practices and tools.

6. Positive work culture: positivity and employee centricity before anything else

Creating the right corporate culture covers many essential employees’ needs, such as seeing values that align with theirs. Organizational culture strongly influences people's feelings about their jobs and the company itself. For example, a toxic work environment based on micromanagement or little recognition can destroy a business. For this reason, it is also key for employers to focus their attention on building a positive workplace culture. Setting an example by putting your employees first should be your priority.

Woman doing yoga with her dog
Opportunities for wellness at work

7. Corporate values: the importance of aligning work with personal values

Many employees don’t hesitate to quit their jobs because the business does not align with their own values. This is especially the case among Millennials and Gen Z, who have strong opinions and wish to act for change. From sustainability to DEIB in the workplace, your position regarding those topics can either help you retain your workforce or cause them to leave for another company that matches their ideas better.

8. Recognition: the power of simple but meaningful words

Employees are the best asset to an organization and play a massive role in the company’s growth. However, according to an article from Zippia about Employee Recognition Statistics, 44% of them declare not feeling valued or recognized by their manager as the main reason for their will to resign. A simple: “Thank you for a great job” can significantly impact your team’s morale and motivation. It might not seem like a lot to you, but it enables your workers to feel valued and appreciated for their input to the business’s overall success.

💜 Discover the different types of employee recognition.

9. Accountability: together in hard times, as much as success

You must support your team in moments of success as much as in hard times. Many employees don’t feel they are being advocated for by their managers, which decreases engagement, slows down motivation, and hinders creativity. Taking responsibility for your team members is one of the most important values for a leader and the best way to create a collaboration based on trust. Workers who receive management support take more risks, which is great for progress and innovation from both personal and business points of view. 

Man and women looking at laptop at work
Manager giving feedback

10. Salary: fair but not the most critical aspect of creating a happy workforce

Rewarding your workforce with a fair salary is a must. However, don’t assume offering a big paycheck is enough to retain, attract, and collaborate with a motivated and talented team. Your number one priority should be improving the well-being of your employees and meeting their needs and expectations, or your business won’t thrive in the ways it could. For example, work-life balance, work flexibility, or purpose are more important.

11. Employee benefits: expected but often off the mark

Speaking of rewards, company benefits become as important as salary expectations. These advantages can take different forms, such as a gym subscription, good healthcare insurance, or a pet-friendly policy. It is a great way to show your workforce that you care about them and acknowledge their work and the value they bring to the organization. It is also a significant aspect that job seekers search for when applying for new career opportunities. However, be careful. Many businesses offer employee benefits that don’t match their employees’ expectations. Workers call them “anti-perks.” Communicate with your staff to know which advantages make sense and meet their needs best.

👋 Anti-perks, bare minimum Mondays, boomerang employee… Read our article about corporate buzzwords and learn the new office jargon for 2025!

12. Learn and grow mindset: career development as a key expectation for employers

It is clear and logical that any individual working in the same role for a while wishes to make a career move at some point. If not, the ability to upskill or reskill is an option workers expect from their manager. People who don’t see any career growth possibilities either leave or quiet quit. They sometimes even resign without having found another job yet. The willingness to learn new skills, put their hands on a new project, and explore more opportunities is often stronger than the idea of staying stuck in a position where they feel bored and unhappy. Meeting this employee expectation is a win for you, too, as it widens your staff’s skillset and boosts their performance.

13. Purpose: an increasing need for more meaningfulness at work

Going to work every day (physically or virtually) without a purpose-driven goal can impact how your staff feels. You may wonder why this can affect your team if you consider working as a financial resource to pay bills and maybe enjoy life a little. Well, this is not the case anymore. Employees search for meaningful experiences, including in their professional lives. They need to find motivation in what they are doing. Not giving them this opportunity means risking losing them.

Two women at work looking at laptop on desk
Good management is key

14. Transparency: a top priority among employees’ expectations examples

Engagement and motivation are also triggered by knowing what is happening in the company. Awareness of the organization’s goals and challenges is a sign of trust and motivates workers. Every business wants an engaged workforce. However, this requires transparency. Employees expect to be kept in the loop regarding ongoing processes and decisions, whether big or small. Clear updates and a transparent leadership style help you meet this expectation.

15. Feedback: negative or positive, the only way to progress

Workers expect their managers to take more time for feedback. Sharing what you believe their strengths and areas of improvement are is crucial. It allows them to progress and develop their skills. It is also a perfect occasion to demonstrate recognition of their work and discuss career development opportunities or upcoming projects. This process should be coming from both sides. Building a trustworthy relationship with your team lets them freely share what they appreciate about your leadership type and what could be improved.

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How do you know what your employees expect from the company and if those expectations are met?

Check your employee satisfaction metrics

How satisfied are your team members right now? If you can’t reply to this question, finding the answer is the first step you need to take to meet their expectations. Learn what makes them stay and what could convince them to leave and work for another organization. To do so, send an online survey to your workforce and ask them to share honest feedback about their expectations from the company. Analyze the data you get from this and start from there.

Have open and honest conversations with your team members

In-person communication is essential to understand your employees’ expectations better. Dialogues can lead to conversations and topics that wouldn’t have been highlighted if you’ve only had your staff’s opinions on paper. Moreover, it is easier to fully understand their expectations when you can discuss them in detail and know why this or that is so valuable to them. It will help you create the right strategy and take the necessary actions to meet their needs best.

Send regular surveys

Meeting employees’ expectations is a journey that never stops. As your business evolves, so do your workforce and their needs. What people expected 2 years ago might not be what they want today. Regularly getting your workers’ feedback is essential to continue answering their needs. Send employee satisfaction questionnaires explicitly targeting this topic. This will allow you to gauge if your team members’ expectations are fulfilled and where you can improve. 

You now know how to foster employee happiness and create a professional environment that top talent wants to be part of. This list of examples of employee expectations is not exhaustive. To do what is best for your team members and meet their needs, the perfect approach is to listen to their feedback and communicate with them about their specific requirements. According to your industry, workforce, company size, and so on, their expectations for employers may vary. 

Flexible work is to be a top priority for many. We’ve created a desk booking app full of people-centric features to give you the best chance to make it work. Request a free demo of the deskbird app to discover how we help you manage your hybrid workplace and improve employee experience.

15 employees’ expectations examples: what they want might not be what you think

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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