happy woman sitting at her desk with a laptop

How is hybrid work playing a huge role in reducing employee turnover? 9 explanations


November 10, 2021


September 26, 2024

Employee experience




Is your workforce turnover higher than it should be? Have you considered including more flexibility in your work model? Covid-19 has given a boost to flexible working arrangements. However, some companies are not yet convinced it is the right way to go. They stick to the old ways of working by asking their employees to return to work daily. The issue is that the hybrid working concept plays a huge role in employee retention nowadays, as many people discovered the benefits of this model. Employees now see flexible work as one of the most important criteria for their work. Are you wondering why offering a hybrid company is so important to reduce employee turnover? deskbird, as an expert on new work, shares 9 key reasons why hybrid work is now a must to offer in your employee retention strategy.

1. Embracing the benefits of flexibility for all

 The increase in work flexibility during the pandemic has not only revealed many advantages of hybrid work from a business point of view, but it has also given employees the chance to experience an enjoyable new way of working. Going back to a traditional work model without any flexibility would create frustration and therefore, a decrease in motivation, engagement, productivity and workforce retention. 

2. Giving your workforce greater work-life balance

One of the major appeals of a mix between working from home office and from the office is the possibility of better work-life balance. With less commuting time and stress, your employees have more availability. They have more time to spend with their loved ones, take care of their health as well as enjoy their hobbies. Greater equilibrium of professional and personal life lowers the risk of burnout, low engagement and low productivity.

3. Increasing your employee engagement and productivity

Employee engagement is one of the main focuses of an employee retention strategy. It has a large impact on whether your workforce wants to keep working with you or leave. While they may prefer to work from home to perform certain tasks, coming to the office and interacting with their team can also sometimes be the most efficient way of getting things done. Having this flexibility allows your employees to manage their schedules according to their own needs. It is greatly appreciated and it definitely increases productivity and engagement throughout the company.

➡️ How do you manage your hybrid office space? Discover our desk booking software by requesting a demo from our team!

woman working on laptop
Woman happily working

4. Putting the well-being of your employees at the centre of your strategy

The well-being of your teams should be at the top of your list when it comes to retaining your workforce. Well-being does not only mean offering them a safe and healthy workplace.  It also refers to physical and mental health. When looking to improve this aspect of their work-life, hybrid work is one of the keys to enhancing well-being at work. This is especially true because of the benefits of work-life balance from giving your employees more autonomy in their schedules.

5. Giving access to skills development opportunities and a further career growth

Providing your workforce the opportunity to learn and develop new skills plays a huge role in employee retention nowadays. Millennials and Generation Z are continuously in search of ways to improve their skill set. They don’t only stick to one area of expertise and are eager to keep developing new abilities. However, not every company gives them the chance and the time to do so. By switching to a hybrid schedule, your employees have more time and can focus more on expanding their knowledge. The cherry on the top:  your workers will become even better at their job. It is a win-win for all!

➡️  Is improving the soft skills of your employees important to you? Here is an article about why essential skills are important and how to improve them

6. Offering the option of sabbatical opportunities

Being a hybrid company does not only refer to offering flexible work schedules and home office opportunities. It can go further than that. What about letting your team members have some time off to come back fully refreshed and ready to achieve their goals? Sabbatical leave is a great way to show your employees your recognition for their input in the company and reward them. For example, LinkedIn gave its full-time collaborators a week off to support them in avoiding burnout by unplugging and having time to recharge their batteries without pressure.

Woman holding hands up with view of marina
Woman travelling while on sabbatical leave

7. Providing competitive employee benefits for a better employee retention

When it comes to attracting new talent and retaining your workforce, it is almost impossible to compete with other companies if you don’t provide flexible working arrangements. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, hybrid work is now part of our way of working and there is no reason to go backward, especially from an employee’s point of view. If your workers can have the same working conditions as they would with one of your competitors, but with more flexibility, your employee retention might be at risk! 

8. Promoting an employee-centric culture to reduce employee turnover

Employee-centricity is at the core of the future of work. Workers do not only look at salary and traditional benefits anymore as shown in an article from WEForum about what employees want the most from their work-life in 2022. How they feel at work is also very important for them. Also, their job is not only seen as a financial means but also as a way to interact with people, develop their knowledge and grow. To fulfil this very important need, building an employee-centric culture is one of the important areas to focus on to reduce employee turnover.

9. Embracing the advantages of flexitime

Flexitime is a branch of the hybrid work concept. It allows your workforce to plan their work schedule according to their needs. Some people may prefer to work in the mornings while others are more productive at night, and some are happy with the 9 am to 5 pm classic timetable. It also allows them to adapt their work time according to their lives and generate a better work-life balance. Among the other advantages of a flexible working schedule are a decrease in stress levels, an increase in employee engagement, a reduction in turnover, absenteeism and many more.

man working at night
Man utilizing flexitime to work at night

We hope this article helps you better understand the role of hybrid work in employee retention. As you can see, flexibility has an impact on many key aspects that can reduce employee turnover, from work-life balance to corporate culture and career growth. Are you still struggling to manage a hybrid workspace? We have just launched a new feature on our on desk booking app to help you and your workers make the most of hybrid work. On top of having desk booking software, you can now have a quick overview of your team timetable thanks to our new hybrid work schedule tool

How is hybrid work playing a huge role in reducing employee turnover? 9 explanations

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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