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woman working on tablet

Back to the office: your checklist to be ready

Everything you need to know for a stress-free return to the office.

Return to the office



colleagues working together

Agile workplace: discover a new flexible workforce

Today, we don't just work agilely, but also work in agile workspaces. Open, communicative, adapted to the needs of the employees, find out what the design looks like.

Getting started



Nicole Kopp headshot

Corporate culture, competencies & leadership in the hybrid work model

As a work and organizational psychologist at GoBeyond, Nicole Kopp helps teams and individuals to master hybrid work. For this to succeed, it's not enough to have a place and time concept. Nicole told us more in our interview: How leadership needs to change to make hybrid succeed, what competencies we need in the future and how far Switzerland is in this regard.

Hybrid heroes



Man working on laptop from beach

Flex 4 success: 3 hybrid workplace models to boost productivity and employee satisfaction

We are introducing three companies have recently presented their hybrid work models, providing inspiring workspaces and solutions!

Getting started



Samuel Novu headshot

Swiss hybrid work with Novu Office

Samuel, co-founder of Novu Office, tells us his vision of hybrid work in the future, what a perfectly equipped home office spot looks like and how Swiss companies are handling hybrid work to date.

Hybrid heroes



blue room with man sitting on a chair

Discover all the advantages of a hybrid workplace solution

Learn how the deskbird easy solution can help to elevate your hybrid workplace.

Getting started



overview of an office

7 macro trends shaping the future of work

Unprecedented shifts have marked the development of work in the past year. Which trends are here to stay and what companies can pay attention to in order to become future-proof can be read in our article about the 7 macro trends shaping the future of work.

Leadership and hybrid work



close up to a laptop screen

7 surprising facts about hybrid work in Germany

You miss the small talk during coffee breaks, too? Well, you're not alone - hybrid work is new to many people. Find 7 surprising facts about how Germany really lives hybrid work, and especially who actually works hybrid.

Leadership and hybrid work



white office with desks, laptop and coworkers

5 workplace tech trends awaiting us

What will be the changes in the workplace tech in the next 10 years? We answer this question by identifying five major trends that are sure to shape our workplace in the next decade.

Getting started



Workspace with many desks

10 insights from 100 workplace managers

In the past couple of weeks, we talked to workplace managers all over Europe working for companies of different sizes active in all kinds of industries. We discussed changes in the working world ranging from the shift to hybrid working models to post-pandemic trends, office redesign plans and employee attraction programs. Amongst the numerous findings, we summarized the 10 most relevant insights from 100 interviews with workplace managers for you.

Leadership and hybrid work



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