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What are the workplace trends to expect in 2023?


December 28, 2022


September 26, 2024

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While 2021 was marked by the Great Resignation, 2022 revealed another phenomenon: the Great Reshuffle. Employees could finally return to work, but they didn’t want to do that, or at least not fully and not with the same conditions. Although work flexibility will still be an important topic next year, what are the other workplace trends for 2023? What do the experts foresee? 

The current global situation makes everyone believe that 2023 will be a year of recession. How is this going to impact companies and workers? The pandemic has had a waking effect on many people, encouraging them to focus more on what matters the most – a healthy life, a purposeful career, and quality time with friends and family. This will obviously keep influencing the world of work. But the continuous development of Artificial Intelligence and the new challenges facing DEI initiatives will also be center stage in the upcoming year.

Are you ready to jump into this new chapter? Here are the main transformations in the workplace in 2023 that will help companies face a tight labor market, embrace new ways of working and adjust to employees’ expectations

Inflation and recession: an impact on both employees and employers

While 2022 has been marked by an increase in prices and a decrease in the purchasing value of money, 2023 will certainly be a year of recession as central banks try to minimize inflation. Consequently, the goal for employees will be to reduce living costs and for employers to lower company expenses. Although it could keep organizations from hiring as they normally would, the supply and demand gap in the labor market will stay tight. In this context, workers will have the power to negotiate for better compensation and employee benefits.

In 2023, flexible work will remain an important workplace trend, benefiting both businesses and employees by reducing costs.

You can read our article about how you can save up to 30% on office costs with coordinated hybrid work. Additionally, our hybrid office calculator gives you a clear idea about how you can save more than 2k per employee yearly!

pile of dollars

Work flexibility: a core workplace trend in 2023

We’ve been saying it all year and will continue to say it next year: hybrid work is here to stay. In 2020, organizations were forced to unlock remote work. In 2021, employees and companies became more familiar with home offices. In 2022, employers realized the potential and benefits of flexible work.

Although COVID-19 is still present, we have learned how to live with it. This helped businesses put their “return to work” policy in place. But, while the workforce was willing to go back to the office, their expectations changed. People pay greater attention to finding a better work-life balance and care more about their mental health. For these reasons, work flexibility is a core pillar of talent retention and attraction. In the United States, for example, and according to the study from Glassdoor and Indeed, the lack of remote opportunities and flexibility are major motivators for people to look for a new job.

In 2023, hybrid work, flexitime, and four-day workweek models will thrive. However, it will be fundamental for companies to maintain a strong corporate culture and workplace connection to avoid isolation and disengagement.

👋 Do you want to know how to optimize space and costs with a flexible office? Learn how you can save up to 30% with these cost-cutting ideas!

two women working on white board

Artificial Intelligence: say hi to your new digital teammate

Have you tried the new text generator that Open AI released this month? If you are not convinced about the future of workplace technology, particularly AI, you need to test it! But this is not the only reason. Aside from the development of technology, 2023 will mark a turning point regarding AI usage in the work environment. Working with AI resources, such as robots, chatbots, virtual assistants, or no coding platforms, will become part of our working lives.

These new digital teammates will play a major role in increasing employee performance and efficiency. Thanks to the expansion of automated tools, your coworkers will spend less time on repetitive and non-meaningful tasks and focus their attention on more purpose-driven missions. It sounds like a win-win for all, right?

artificial intelligence robot

DEI initiatives: an essential trend that not everyone agrees with

Over the last couple of years, social injustice has become a major topic for many people, especially younger generations. In the workplace, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives are at center stage. 

Millennials and Gen. Z are more sensitive to these issues and would consider leaving an organization that doesn’t share similar values. But older demographic groups (Baby Boomers and Gen. X) pay less attention to these matters. As Millennials are currently the largest generation in the workplace and Gen. Z are closely behind, companies will need to focus on their expectations in the next few years. Therefore, DEI will be one of the core workplace trends in 2023.

For a better understanding of this crucial aspect, the following statistics show the percentage of workers who would consider rejecting a job offer if the manager wasn’t supporting DEI in the workplace. If you want to learn more about this subject, stay tuned, we will share more about DEI topics in the upcoming weeks!

Source: Workplace Trends 2023, GlassDoor and Indeed

👋 Do you want to learn more about generational diversity in the workplace? Read our article about what to expect with a multigenerational workforce!

Recruitment: time to demonstrate employee centricity

Are you planning to hire new team members in 2023? Focusing on answering employees’ expectations will be essential to attract talent and making a difference as the labor market will remain tight. One of the main reasons for this is that the workforce is aging. This demographic boundary results in more staff retiring than starting their careers. Another issue is the chronic recruiting challenges companies have been facing over the last few years, including the Great Resignation and the Great Reshuffle

To face these issues and stay competitive in the war for talent, demonstrating an employee-centric approach and fostering a positive organizational culture is essential. Employers will need to focus more on the trends of the future of work such as flexible work and DEI initiatives, for example. Another aspect that job applicants will be looking at in 2023 is the effort put into wellness programs and well-being at work initiatives. 

Wellness at work: happiness and well-being at center stage

One of the core explanations for employees requiring more flexible work options is wanting to create a better work-life balance and improve their mental health. Since the pandemic, people pay more attention to their health and well-being. Unfair remuneration, work anxiety, and job dissatisfaction are among the top reasons why workers quit their job.

The U.S. Surgeon General just released a new framework about Mental Health and Well-being in the Workplace. This report confirms that this topic will be an important one to tackle next year. On the same note, recent research about Work Happiness from Indeed emphasizes this forecast by revealing that 90% of people consider how they feel at work matters. 

In 2023, organizations will have to take these facts into account and make appropriate changes in the workplace if they want to retain and attract talent. Enhancing employee happiness and satisfaction is also fundamental to keeping workers motivated, fulfilled, and productive.

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Up-skilling, re-skilling, and career development: a top priority for workers

LinkedIn’s 2022 Global Talent Trends research reveals that the opportunity to develop new skills is another important employee expectation. It comes right after compensation, flexibility, and work-life balance. In 2023, learning opportunities (up-skilling or re-skilling) and career mobility will therefore be a central topic for companies. Not only will it help them keep their workforce motivated and efficient, but it will also enable them to make a difference in a tough labor market.

According to a study about up-skilling from Workplace Intelligence, the pandemic has made people feel that they are losing their abilities and not developing new ones. But another reason that drove 83% of staff to report “that improving their skills is one of their top priorities” is the aspiration for better work-life balance and more meaning in their career. With a wider skill set, they want to increase their chances of finding a job that matches their needs (compensation, work-life balance, and purpose).

female coworkers speaking

Are you ready to implement the Workplace Trends for 2023? Some of you have probably tackled these structural and cultural shifts already, as they all aim at creating a happier and more efficient workforce. If this is the case, you are on a good path! Otherwise, it’s never too late. Focusing your efforts on these key matters will help you increase your chances of success in 2023 and the following years.

Does implementing flexible work and week planning sound complicated to you? Are you wondering how this new working model could work in your business? Request a free demo of the deskbird app and discover how technology supports this undeniable change in the world of work!

What are the workplace trends to expect in 2023?

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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