Kiosk Mode

Kiosk Mode for any budget or device

40% of employees waste up to 30 minutes daily searching for meeting rooms. deskbird’s Kiosk Mode turns any tablet into a booking system, solving room issues while saving over €1,000 per room on hardware.

Trusted by leading organizations

Say goodbye to...

Expensive hardware

Save up to €1,000 per tablet

Complex IT setup

Works within your browser

Booking conflicts

Instant booking with a simple tap

Unused spaces

Find free rooms at a glance

End the chaos - enjoy a better booking experience


Learn more about Kiosk Mode.

How does Kiosk Mode enhance meeting room availability?

Kiosk Mode frees rooms if no check-in occurs, allowing others to book them instantly. With real-time status updates and a color-coded schedule at the door, employees can quickly confirm availability and secure a room, reducing booking conflicts and improving room utilization.

Can I turn Kiosk Mode on/off without downloading an app?

Yes, Kiosk Mode is web-based, so there’s no need for an extra app. It can be directly enabled from deskbird’s web app through the browser on any Android, iOS, or Windows device, making the setup fast and hassle-free.

What privacy options are available?

Kiosk Mode respects your company’s privacy settings. You can hide meeting details or display only organizers’ names. In addition, you can customize settings for individual events to meet your organization’s data privacy policies.

Is it compatible with all tablet brands?

Yes, you can enable Kiosk Mode on any tablet with a functional web browser, allowing for more affordable options as there is no need to invest in expensive hardware. deskbird recommends tablets with a screen size of 10 inches or larger for the best display experience.

How can I enable Kiosk Mode on deskbird?

If you are a customer already, please contact to enable this feature.

7-day free trial. No credit card required.
See it in action

Case Study

“deskbird is a booking system with great potential, seamlessly integrating into our daily office life and simplifying our processes”

The trusted solution for meeting room management

Ready to enable Kiosk Mode?
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