Your guide into the world of hybrid work

Real business stories and latest insights, our own selection of materials and other resources that will help you on your way to the best hybrid work experience

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Open concept office space with communal desks

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Have a look at how other companies made their hybrid office actually work with deskbird — real stories by real businesses.

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Curious how much your company can save in office costs? Answer 5 questions and get a personalized report featuring your office cost savings!

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The most intuitive and people-centric solution for hybrid workplaces.

See it in action

Mr. Purple: a hybrid hero

Overworked, hopeless, and ready to give up, two workplace managers deal with the daily struggles of a hybrid office. A stylish figure suddenly appears. "I'm Mr. Purple," he says, "and I solve hybrid work problems!" And that's how it all began.

Curious how much your company can save in office costs? Answer 5 questions and get a personalized report featuring your office cost savings!