colleagues working in a hybrid office
On the record
Cost-saving tips

Rethinking workspaces


July 25, 2024


July 26, 2024

Can downsizing and hybrid work policies coexist, or are we setting up for failure?

Picture this: you've been tasked with streamlining your office space while aiming for your employees to feel more connected, engaged, and productive than ever. Sounds contradictory, doesn't it?

With the world of work constantly evolving, this question is crucial. Could these seemingly conflicting goals coexist harmoniously, or are we setting ourselves up for a clash?

Over the past few years, we've all witnessed—and contributed to—significant changes in how and where we work. And our office has evolved and continues to do so.

But what's driving these changes? The short answer: a combination of economic shifts, technological advancements, and changing employee preferences.

Two key trends have recently taken center stage: downsizing and adopting hybrid work policies. These trends, while challenging, also present exciting opportunities. Companies worldwide are rethinking their physical office spaces while grappling with how best to support a hybrid workforce. These trends raise critical questions for leaders and decision-makers. Is it possible to reduce office space without sacrificing employee engagement and productivity? How can organizations balance cost savings with the need for flexibility and connection?

In this article, we'll explore the relationship between downsizing and hybrid work policies, offering fresh perspectives on these pressing issues. As leaders at the forefront of this dynamic business world, your role is pivotal in shaping the future of work. Your decisions and strategies will have a significant impact. Read on to learn how to improve your office strategy without sacrificing flexibility or productivity.

The connection between downsizing and hybrid work policies

Downsizing isn't just about cost-cutting.

It's also about optimizing space usage to align with new work models. Hybrid work policies blend remote and in-office work and naturally complement downsizing efforts. By allowing employees to work remotely part of the time, companies can reduce the need for large office spaces, leading to significant cost savings1.

For example, a coordinated hybrid work approach could save up to 30% in real estate costs. Similarly, Capgemini noted that their hybrid work model allowed them to rethink office layouts, leading to more efficient use of space and resources.

colleagues moving stuff around the new office space

The promise of enhanced flexibility and employee satisfaction

Hybrid work policies offer flexibility that can enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. As companies downsize, they often invest in technology and redesign office spaces to support a flexible, collaborative environment. This shift helps accommodate a hybrid workforce and creates a more dynamic and engaging workplace.

A study by McKinsey & Company highlighted that companies with effective hybrid work policies saw a 55% increase in employee engagement and a 47% increase in productivity. These benefits are crucial as firms look to attract and retain top talent in a competitive market2.

Optimizing space utilization

Due to the increased adoption of hybrid work, office space requirements have been reduced significantly. For example, businesses have experienced a 30% reduction in office space due to hybrid work policies, a testament to the model's effectiveness in optimizing real estate usage (Work Design Magazine)​.

Furthermore, companies can design multipurpose spaces serving multiple functions, such as meeting rooms that can transform into collaborative areas or individual workstations. This flexibility allows for better utilization of space throughout the day. It adapts to the varying needs of a hybrid workforce. Larger rooms can be configured during peak collaboration times to support team meetings or brainstorming sessions. When quieter, more focused work is required, the same spaces can be reconfigured into smaller, private workstations.

In addition, technology integration plays a crucial role in this strategic space utilization. Advanced booking systems, occupancy sensors, and real-time data analytics can help manage space more efficiently by tracking usage patterns and predicting future needs. This data-driven approach ensures that space is used optimally, reducing wasted areas and enhancing the overall productivity of the workforce.

Research shows that 58% of employees experience increased productivity in hybrid work setups, with 85% expressing higher job satisfaction. This highlights the benefits of hybrid work in improving productivity and employee morale (Archie)​. Moreover, around 80% of companies have reduced their office spaces since 2020, with 75% planning further cuts. This highlights the ongoing trend of optimizing real estate in response to hybrid work models and economic pressures (Work Design Magazine)​.

colleagues working in a hybrid office

Challenges and best practices of downsizing and creating hybrid work policies

Communication and collaboration

Maintaining effective communication is paramount in a hybrid work environment, especially post-downsizing. A study by McKinsey indicates that 97% of employees consider communication a critical factor in their daily work. When downsizing, the disruption in established communication channels can lead to a disconnect between remaining employees. Investing in robust communication platforms like MS Teams or Slack is crucial to mitigate this. These tools facilitate real-time interaction and collaboration, bridging the gap between remote and on-site team members3. Additionally, regular virtual meetings and check-ins are vital. These sessions help maintain team cohesion and ensure that issues are promptly addressed, keeping everyone aligned and informed.

Employee morale and engagement

Employee morale often suffers during downsizing, leading to decreased motivation and engagement. Gallup reports that only 34% of employees are actively engaged at work. The increased workload on remaining employees can exacerbate stress and burnout, particularly in a hybrid setting where work-life boundaries blur. To counter this, implementing comprehensive well-being programs is essential. Virtual wellness sessions and counseling services can support mental health while encouraging clear boundaries between work and personal time, preventing burnout, and promoting a healthier work-life balance.

happy employees having lunch together

Space management

Downsizing often results in underutilized office space, posing a significant challenge in a hybrid work model4. One solution is to design multipurpose spaces that can be reconfigured based on current needs. Implementing desk booking systems like deskbird can enhance space efficiency, ensuring that available resources are utilized effectively without unnecessary overhead costs.

🔎 Check out our hybrid office calculator to see how much you could save by optimizing your office space to your employees’ actual needs!

Robust IT infrastructure

A robust IT infrastructure is the backbone of a successful hybrid work model, especially post-downsizing.

Remote access heightened security concerns, necessitating strong security protocols to protect data integrity. Investing in integrated technology solutions that streamline workflows and support seamless communication is essential. This approach enhances productivity and ensures that employees can collaborate effectively, regardless of their location.


The convergence of downsizing and hybrid work policies offers a transformative opportunity.

When implemented thoughtfully, hybrid work policies can lead to enhanced flexibility, reduced operational costs, and access to a broader talent pool. These benefits are closely tied to downsizing strategies, enabling companies to optimize their workforce and real estate needs without sacrificing productivity. However, this shift also poses challenges, such as maintaining team cohesion and ensuring employee well-being, necessitating proactive measures to address burnout and work-life balance.

With the support of deskbird, our user-friendly workplace management tool, you can seamlessly align with your office objectives, uphold trust, and enhance productivity, all while enabling employee flexibility. Consider the benefits of using a deskbird for your business today.

Request a free demo of the deskbird app today and discover how we can help you managing your office spaces and implement your hybrid work policies.

1. The Benefits of Hybrid Work Arrangements | Temerouw Globo News, 

2. How to Attract and Retain Top Talent in a Competitive Market,

3. The Evolution of Hybrid Office Design: Balancing Remote Work and On-Site Collaboration,

4. Strategies to Build a Strong Company Culture in Hybrid Work,