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How does employee well-being benefit the workplace? 11 concrete answers


January 3, 2023


September 26, 2024

Employee experience



Is employee wellness one of the top priorities of your business strategy? Over the last couple of years, and especially since the pandemic, people have paid much more attention to their physical and mental health. This phenomenon shakes the world of work as our job can represent a source of stress, dissatisfaction, and frustration. But recently, our professional lives have become more adaptable thanks to hybrid work and other flexible working arrangements. Our relationship with work has also evolved as employers have to focus more on being people-centric and understanding their employees’ expectations. Improving wellness at work is part of these new shifts, and there is one sure thing, the benefits of well-being in the workplace are countless. We have selected the most valuable ones that every organization needs to know. Are you ready to make your workers and your business thrive? Here are 11 reasons employee well-being is essential for your company and your workers.

1. Number one benefit of well-being in the workplace: it makes your people thrive as much as your business 

You may wonder why you should invest in the well-being of your workers and why it is not a topic to improve outside work. The first reason is that our job plays a major role in our mental health. Second, fostering good physical and mental health for your team members not only benefits them but also reflects on their performance and, therefore, the success of your organization. It is a win-win for everybody. When employers care about keeping their staff healthy, employees tend to give the best they can to the company.  

 2. The impact of employee well-being on mental health: it lowers stress and burnout

Burnout statistics reveal that 70% of workers have experienced work depression and 69% consider that their employer doesn’t do enough to prevent this mental health issue. Although these figures are very high and the fact that workplace burnout deeply impacts productivity, 49% of businesses still don’t have a well-being strategy. Implementing well-being initiatives is fundamental to boosting the morale of your team. People who feel good at work are more eager to handle periods of stress and communicate with their manager if any negative feelings arise. But, in parallel, a company that focuses on employee well-being also knows how to react when a person shows symptoms of workplace burnout


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3. Employee happiness and job satisfaction: two key reasons why employee well-being is important

We talk to you a lot about employee happiness and job satisfaction. These two topics are essential to create a successful business as they motivate your teams, foster engagement, boost productivity, retain and attract talents (among other benefits). But it seems difficult to imagine a workplace with fulfilled workers without a sense of well-being at work. No matter the size of your organization, wellness is a core pillar of your workforce's satisfaction level. If you don’t think being happy at work is the priority of your staff, we invite you to read some key information about employee expectations

 4. Workplace productivity: happy employees are more productive 

Happy employees are 13% more productive. These are the statistics that the research from Oxford University reveals. Because happiness and productivity are interconnected, this is the reason why employee well-being is essential and should be one of your priorities. Workers are the backbone of any business. Worldwide, turnover and lost productivity due to employee burnout cost $322 billion. By investing in their well-being, you automatically invest in your business too. Not only do you improve how they feel, but you also increase the chance of having a motivated, engaged, and productive workforce!

 5. Absenteeism and illness: how well-being at work plays a significant role in decreasing these two aspects

A toxic work culture and poor well-being seriously affect your employees' health.. Poor well-being at work increases the chance of your workers getting ill, mentally burnout, or physically. The number of people on sick notes and the absenteeism rate therefore grow. However, when employers focus on the wellness of their team members, they often improve their work-life balance too. A more excellent equilibrium between personal and professional life helps employees stay physically and mentally healthy. Eventually, it also impacts their performances as they concentrate better on their tasks, keep their motivation up, and be more resilient toward challenges.


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Man with glasses on tablet at cafe
Employee doing work from cafe.

6. A correlated impact: when professional well-being improves  personal well-being and vice versa

Indeed surveys reveal that over eight out of ten (86%) people admit that "happiness at work impacts their mood at home."

As much as we sometimes struggle to leave our issues at home and don't let them interfere in our professional lives, the same goes the other way around. Dissatisfaction and unhappiness at work also influence the private lives of your employees. This vicious circle is as toxic for them as it is for you because of its impact on their performance. You might not have the tools or the ability to help them with personal matters, but you can change how they feel at work.

7. Employee retention, referrals, and attraction: physical and mental health becomes a top priority for many workers

Taking care of ourselves and our health becomes a priority for many of us. According to the same survey from Indeed, 67% of employees believe that well-being at work is a right and not an “add-on.” Thus, improving how your staff feels in the workplace significantly keeps your talents by your side. But this is not the only advantage in terms of HR. Workers also tend to talk positively about their company when they are happy and satisfied with their job. As a result, other people become interested in working with you. Therefore, employee well-being enhances retention, referrals, and attraction altogether.

8. A priority for the future of work: wellness at work becomes a fundamental aspect for younger generations

Do you collaborate with a multigenerational workforce? Generational diversity is a huge advantage for companies that can benefit from having many talented and experienced employees. However, are you aware of the top priorities for Millennials and Gen Z? The two younger demographic groups in the workplace have different requirements than Baby Boomers and Gen X. Their expectations include non-traditional advantages like hybrid and flexible schedules, wellness programs, or unlimited paid time off as they focus much more on their work-life balance. By promoting well-being practices, you support your staff’s health and meet the needs of future generations that will soon represent the majority of the workforce.


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man with beard in front of laptop
Young employee working from home.

9. Positive work environment: a key component that influences every business growth 

Business growth depends on various factors. But the most  crucial aspect to focus on is your workers. They are the ones who make your company thrive or fail. People who evolve in a positive work environment are more engaged, creative, loyal, dedicated, and resilient. Creating a strong and positive corporate culture is essential, and employee well-being must be part of your plan. As mentioned in our article about culture in the workplace, Peter Drucker perfectly describes this concept by declaring “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” In other words, no matter how great your product is, your business won't go far if you have a poor organizational culture. 

10. Engagement and creativity: feeling good helps people succeed

Our feelings and emotions profoundly impact our ability to perform. You should probably get it by now, and when your team members feel good, they make the most of their skills. But many variables trigger their well-being at work, including your leadership style. The psychological effects of micromanagement are real. Over controlled and stressed staff lose their engagement and creativity. And it directly impacts their ability to complete projects on time and within budget. Another example: if your workers can go to a yoga class or run during their break, they will be more relaxed and ready to return to work more focused afterward.. Make sports activities part of your well-being program: it benefits your business and your employees’ health!

 11. Company costs: the benefits of well-being in the workplace lower your expenses

While establishing a well-being strategy can initially seem like an extra cost, it actually lowers your expenses and increases your profit. How can it be? Think about all the benefits of well-being in the workplace we have already shared with you. By focusing on your workforce’s mental and physical health,  you reduce the chance for them to get sick or burnt out. You minimize your staff turnover. You create a team of happy and productive workers. Simply put by improving employee well-being, you tackle all the aspects that can make your business thrive and succeed.


👋 Do you want to know how to optimize space and costs with a flexible office? Learn how you can save up to 30% with these cost-cutting ideas!


From boosting productivity to saving costs and reducing employee turnover, the benefits of well-being in the workplace are positive for both your workers and your company. Wellness at work triggers many aspects that boost success no matter the industry or the organization size. You now have a better understanding of why employee well-being is important. 

Stay tuned, and we will share fundamental practices to improve this significant ingredient to success in an upcoming article. But guess what? Work flexibility is definitely one of the concepts that spark workers’ well-being!

So, request a free demo of the deskbird app to know how to embrace hybrid work with a user-friendly workplace management platform!

How does employee well-being benefit the workplace? 11 concrete answers

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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